What’s more, with the increase in number of the bloggers to the already existing minefield, I have come across so many blogs that I can truly say would be a publisher’s pick anytime. I only tried blogging around 4 months ago although I registered for a blogger account since January 2008. With my short stint in the blog-world, I am amazed at the brilliant talents of so many Pinoy expats and Pinoys back home. I enjoy reading many of the posts and I tell you, I will not be surprised to see that some of these talented writers, through their wonderful blogs ,will gain some book deals very soon.
A couple of years back, I didn’t know how to blog... Well, I still don't know until now. .. Proof is, I still use the basic templates and my hands are handcuffed... still afraid to take the risk of making a mess out of this simple page. I just contend myself with the basic templates for now... until maybe the time when I will become more familiar with the all those html's. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who don't know blogging... people who don’t even read blogs. In fact, just like me, they might not really know what one is. Truth is, I still find it hard to explain what a blog is when I’m asked.
I could best define blog with semantics describing the blogs I appreciate and follow… personal flow of ideas and talents from gifted writer with a book to be nearly published… a superbly real-time update of information complete with analysis for the followers of the community… an honest, funny, romantic fly and the wall account of the blogger with a little candy-coating and cake-icing… a meticulous musing and anecdote of some eccentric issues… great taste in fashion, character sketch of people, reviews of places and travelogues… photo galleries...
Finding a blog is like finding a friend. As most of the bloggers would say, blogging is addicting. It is something that you will dip back and forth regularly. It is a totally new kind of reading… You will be inspired reading the blogs because a lot of bloggers have great taste and are really talented observational writers.
Desert Aquaforce is my scrapbook in the desert. I’m a trying hard writer and I’m not a gifted one but I enjoy sharing with other people and allow them to see a glimpse of who I am. It has become the creative outlet of my expression. Just the sheer thought of writing is good for my brain and for my health. Living alone in a coastal desert, blogging is one of the best things to do!

Here are some of the badges that were recently pasted to this scrapbook . It is said that a thing given is not a gift unless someone accepts it... the giver and the receiver, both of whom have to be there somehow for the gift to be a gift...
This is my acceptance post and I take this opportunity give out these simple yet genuine and cordial “gifts” to the blogs that will never cease to inspire me. I know most of you have received these badges and have even posted something about it, nevertheless, I still pass these on to you to let you know that you truly deserve to have these awards... (This is what I get for procrastination...) As Justin Timberlake would say it: What goes around, goes around, goes around, comes all the way back around.
From YaNah of Life's A Twitch

The rules of this award are:
1. Copy the badge and put the logo on your blog sidebar or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this this post and to the person you received your award from.
5. Come back and comment here so that your link could be added to the master list of awardees.
I pass on this PinK Badge to the following 7 lady-bloggers:
Jigzs of Carnation
The Pink Tarha
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
Jen's Misadventures
From Sherwin of Mokong (Anong Nasa Isip Ko), Pope of Palipasan, Ruphael of Perfect SquareJigzs of Carnation
The Pink Tarha
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
Jen's Misadventures

This is the same Uber Amazing Award (Blue Version from the Hunks) as the original pink badge. I first saw this blue version (cool) in the post of Ron's In My Own Words. I guess, it was him who initially re-hued this award to have a hunk's effect. After Ron's post, I saw it pasted to my scrapbook as a 2nd generation badge...
I pass on this Blue Version Badges to the Other Hunks
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
Lucas of on the coffin rock
AJ of Arabian Josh
Ron of In My Own words - Ron Centeno
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Lord CM of dungeOn
A Friend Named Goddy
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
Madjik of MagicSaucer
The Chronicles of the Desert Prince
Marco Polo of A Journey of My Simple Life
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
payatot man ay pogi rin
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
Xprosiac's World
The Desert Dude
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
Lucas of on the coffin rock
AJ of Arabian Josh
Ron of In My Own words - Ron Centeno
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Lord CM of dungeOn
A Friend Named Goddy
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
Madjik of MagicSaucer
The Chronicles of the Desert Prince
Marco Polo of A Journey of My Simple Life
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
payatot man ay pogi rin
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
Xprosiac's World
The Desert Dude
From Ron of In My Own Words, Ruphael of Perfect Square, Sherwin of Mokong (Anong Nasa Isip Ko), Sardonyx of Hula Scoop

The aims of this award:~
1. as a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
2. To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
3. Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
4.Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
5. Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
6. Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
7. Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
These are the people whom I want to give this award to.
Their friendship, support and encouragement continues to inspire me :
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
Lord CM of dungeOn
Pope of Palipasan
YaNah of Life's A Twitch...
The Pink Tarha
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Marco Polo of A Journey of My Simple Life
Jigzs of Carnation
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
Lucas of on the coffin rock
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
A Friend Named Goddy
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
payatot man ay pogi rin
Madjik of MagicSaucer
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
AJ of Arabian Josh
From Jigzs of CarnationTheir friendship, support and encouragement continues to inspire me :
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
Lord CM of dungeOn
Pope of Palipasan
YaNah of Life's A Twitch...
The Pink Tarha
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Marco Polo of A Journey of My Simple Life
Jigzs of Carnation
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
Lucas of on the coffin rock
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
A Friend Named Goddy
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
payatot man ay pogi rin
Madjik of MagicSaucer
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
AJ of Arabian Josh

The rules are so easy:
1. Place the logo / banner on your blog.
2. Add a link to the blog who gave the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. (It says at least! If you've got more friends, go ahead)
4. Add links to the blogs that you have nominated.
5. Let them know by leaving a message (shout) on their blogs.
I pass on this Friendship badge to the following blogger-friends
whose friendship in the cyberspace is sooo encouraging:
whose friendship in the cyberspace is sooo encouraging:
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
AJ of Arabian Josh
Madjik of MagicSaucer
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
YaNah of Life's A Twitch...
Lord CM of dungeOn
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
Ron of In My Own Words - Ron Centeno
Sherwin of Mokong (Anu'ng Nasa Isip Ko)
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Pope of Palipasan
The Pink Tarha
Ruphael of Perfect Square
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Nebz of Isla de Nebz
AJ of Arabian Josh
Madjik of MagicSaucer
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
YaNah of Life's A Twitch...
Lord CM of dungeOn
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
Ron of In My Own Words - Ron Centeno
Sherwin of Mokong (Anu'ng Nasa Isip Ko)
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Pope of Palipasan
The Pink Tarha
Ruphael of Perfect Square
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
Edsie of iT's mY tUrn
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
The Chronicles of the Desert Prince
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
The Chronicles of the Desert Prince
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO

This is how Lord CM imparted his badge.
Ang NAGBABAGANG BLOG AWARD na ipamimigay ko sa mga blogerong kahit anong i-post na entry ay nagiging interesado ako sa kadahilanang ako ay natutuwa, natatawa, humahalakhak, nalulungkot, sumsinghot, umaatungal kapag nababasa ko ang kanilang entry, at sa bawat kwentong kanilang ginagawa ay siguradong puputaktehin ng sangkaterbang kumento dahil sa galing ng pagkakagawa at kainte-interes na istorya at ideyolohiya (ano raw?)...
Salamat naman Lord CM kung ang aking munting scrapbook ay nagbigay aliw sa iyo... basta't sabi ko sa yo, nahihirapan talaga akong mag-post sa Tagalog. Hope na di magkaron ng Nose-Bleed...
Anniversary Special of Blogusvox, The Sandbox
19 years ago, Blogusvox went to the desert because he wanted to save enough money to buy a 286 computer. Indeed, he was able to buy his 286 computer. It has long been outmodeled and several latest model computers just keep coming and going (for his blog-use), but he remained in the desert… happy and fulfilled for he got more than he bargained for...he found a wife and they now lived together with their daughter in the desert.
His blog, The Sandbox is the 3rd grand prize winner during the 2008 Pinoy Expat/OFW Blog Awards and was No. 1 in the Middle East.
His Anniversary Special is his milestone for blogging 100 posts on his blog’s first birthday. The caricature is his tribute to the many bloggers (drawn and anonymous) who have become his blog-friends. He dedicates and thanks them for their frequent visits, comments and for sharing their personal experiences.
He is in Vacation Mode right now but this is to thank him for his support and encouragement to Desert Aquaforce. Thank you very much Blogusvox.
Additional Award
While I was still updating and editing this post, EdSie of iT's mY tUrn excitedly rushed to the desert to give this very beautiful award. When I checked it out... Wow! A Blogger Awards Trophy! I really dunno what I blogged to deserve this award but I just have to grab it and include in this post else I will run out of awardees.
As there were no rules given on how the award will be passed on, I have decided to give it to the blogs where I got my definition of what a blog is: personal flow of ideas and talents from gifted writer with a book to be nearly published… a superbly real-time update of information complete with analysis for the followers of the community… an honest, funny, romantic fly and the wall account of the blogger with a little candy-coating and cake-icing… a meticulous musing and anecdote of some eccentric issues… great taste in fashion, character sketch of people, reviews of places and travelogues… photo galleries...

Nebz of Isla de Nebz
Doc RJ of The Chook-Minder's Quill
Blogusvox of The Sandbox
The Pink Tarha
Kenj Of Thoughtskoto
Lord CM of dungeOn
Ka Kosa of Trip ni Kosa
A Friend Named Goddy
Pope of Palipasan
Mighty Dacz of My Kaleidoscope World
JV of X-Spot, Camera ni Cabrera, SupereXtraordinarisimo!
Madjik of MagicSaucer
The Chronicles of the Desert Prince
The Desert Dude
Jigzs of Carnation
YaNah of Life's A Twitch...
Sardonyx of Hula Scoop atbp
Josha of Mundong Parisukat
Azel of Panumbalik ng Ulirat
Lockhrine Versace of Desert Sparklers Home
Pogi of poging (ilo)CANO
The Gasoline Dude's Life
Note: As the trophy looks very expensive and with the global economic crisis, I decided not to give twice to those who already got it - Ron of In My Own words - Ron Centeno, Sherwin of Mokong (Anu'ng Nasa Isip Ko), Prof Pajay of Klasrum ni PaJay, Ruphael of Perfect Square, AJ of Arabian Josh, and of course Edsie of iT's mY tUrn who awarded this to us.
Naghakot ka din ng awards ha! Hehe.. Congrats dude! Very nice! And I got 2 from you as well. Thanks thanks. Actually, eto fdin ang ginagawa ko ngayon. :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha Eds, Ka po-post ko lang, nag-e-edit pa nga ako eh may comment ka na...Whaaaaah!
ReplyDeleteGrab your awards!
wahehehe.. ganun talaga NJ pag ganitong marami akong oras.. ahehe. Thanks uli. will post it in a while. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing almost everything you've got, and congratulations for deserving so many wonderful awards. I am passing it on to the outside Middle East Core, hehehe, and as you can see, it goes universal by then. Pwede kaya gawing tag ang nomination ng PEBA 2009? hehehe
ReplyDeleteHehehe :D Putek!!!Ang dami nito!!!Kelangan ko nang gumawa pa ng isang blog para may paglagyan nito...
ReplyDeleteSalamat sa paghanga pre, salamat din sa mga awards...patuloy akong magsusulat at susubaybay sa mga gawa mo kahit english pa yan :D ...
Mabuhay ka pre, at CONGRATS..
Kukunin ko yan...hintay lang at bukod sa sunog sa aking pahina eh matraffic pa, di pa ako makasingit :)
mabuhay tayung lahat!!!
ReplyDeletesalamat po sa pagkakasali ng walang kwentang si Kosa sa mga taong napili nyong biyayaan ng papuri at pagsaludo!
kitakits po!
ReplyDeletenakita ko na ung edited part...hehehe. mabuti ng maipahabol kesa sa gumawa pa ng isang post.
congrats at salamat!
balikan mo tong iba dito ha. dala ka ng sako...hehehe. marami rami pa dito. enjoy muna ngaun dahil weekend. ilang oras naman at back to work. meron pa tayong aasikasuhin.
lord CM,
lalong magliliyab ang pahina mo...may dagdag panggatong ng award...hehehe. batang-bata pa kayo pero idol ko talaga ung blog mo eh. o kita mo na tagalog na ako ng tagalog. sabi nga...praktis makes perfek.
cnong me sabing walang kwenta ang pahina ni kosa? halos lahat ng botohan e napapasabak ako dahil hangang-hanga ako sa blog mo na karapat-dapat lamang na manalo... kita mo na run away winner ka at hall of famer pa!
congrats sa u!
bongits, abaw salamat gid sa recognition. your blog is way ahead of the others, for sure! kanami gid gani sa imo magsulat2 daw damo ka gid oras mag express .... amo na siguro kung sa disyerto ka kay wala damo distraction. your blog is really great, no kidding! sagad2 ka na gid hindi halata nga recently ka lang naga-blog. daw damo gid atun istoryanay sa mayo bay.
ReplyDeleteDaming awards ah...you deserve it...
ReplyDeleteCongrats pare at maraming salamat sa award na ibinigay mo para sa blog ko... salamat!!!
Daming awards ah...you deserve it...
ReplyDeleteCongrats pare at maraming salamat sa award na ibinigay mo para sa blog ko... salamat!!!
Daming mong awards ah... hehehehe!thank you din sa pagpasa ng mga awards sa kin... ingat ingat!
ReplyDeleteSobrang dami ng awards..Dahil sa dami para ng litanya ang post..para na ring thesis..hehe congrats sa mga award mo..And SALAMAT sa bagong award na bigay mo, bro!
ReplyDeleteuhaw...daming awards na natanggap.congrats!
ReplyDeletekasya pa ba kaya ang page mo sa pagsabit ng mga iyan?..hehehehe...
salamat din po sa pagshare sa akin/amin..feeling ko nanalo ako sa singing contest kasi may trophy ...wala akong masasabi [a...speechless ako kaya hndi ko maideliver yung acceptance speech ko....SALAMAT PO!
Mabilis ka talaga, I need to make a last minute editing sa post ko kagabi to include all those new awards from you - pero may nakalimutan pa rin ako isama sa post ko, the "Blogger Awards Trophy", mamahalin ito, I never expected this one kaya't hindi ko napansin siguro. This awesome, parang retirement trophy ko na ito hehehehe.
ReplyDeletePurihin ka NJ you really deserve all these blessings and thank you for sharing all these awards to us. Maraming salamat po.
oi, salamat salamat sa mga post award na nareceive ko!!! grabe, salamat! wala na akong masabi...hehehe, itutuloy kaya natin ang design a PEBA Banner Trophy contest? What you think, kahit 1000 Pesos lang ang premyo, okay na yun di ba? hehehe
ReplyDeleteThanks for those kind words. Sako man di sa disyerto galing gina-sal-ot sal-ot ko lang ang pagblog... amo na nga nagtumpok ang tanan nga mga awards hai. Your blog deserves the awards.
karaptdapat lamang sa blog mo ang mga awards na natanggap mo. Isa lang comment ko... mabagal magbukas ang pinto ng blog mo... dagdag sa kabagalan ng laptop ko... hehehe. pero hayaan mo, patuloy na magsusubaybay sa mga kabanalan at kaseksihan ng posts mo.. hehehe.
ReplyDeleteKahit na bago kpa lang na blogkada, your post is inspiring. san ka makakita ng process flow sa blog kundi sa Journey to My Simple Life lang. Salamat kaibigan!
Parang thesis nga ano? nabasa ko rin ung comments mo at ung post na ginawa ni AJ. Bait ni AJ pero suplado at snub sa awards... hehehe. Peace AJ, huh. Kamusta ang shawarma date nyo?
Hahaha... speechless huh? o nabilaukan sa tuwa? marami pang space sa blog para sabitan ng medalya... hehehe. hwag lang mag crush kung palitan ang template... di pa kasi marunong eh.. wala kasi yan sa kapanahunan namin eh. hala, tanggap lang ng tanggap at bigay ng bigay!
I like the Blogger Award too. Parang tutuo ano? parang feeling winner talaga ano? Honestly speaking, your blog inspires me a lot. The posts reflects those of the man behind the keyboard. Thanks for your support, encouragement, and friendship. Hayaan mo pag dumaan ako sa Doha contact kita.
Kenj (Updated)...
Oo... tuloy na ung design ng trophy sa PEBA.. gawing patimpalak ang pagde-design pero sa awarding dapat eksakto sa design ang tutuong trophy ha? yung papremyo sa design pag-usapan na lang sa sunod na conference.
Thanks for the awards NJ! Congratulations on all of them! You certainly deserve every single one of them and more!
ReplyDeleteTake care my friend! Have a great weekend!
shukran jazillan muhandis!..
ReplyDeletesipag mo bossing kaya u deserve lahat ng award....
Hi Mr. Desert Aquaforce,
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving us these awards that you first and foremost deserve. Congratulations! We will pass on your generosity.
The Pink Tarha Girls
Salamat, salamat, salamat. Pakiramdam ko, grand slam winner ako.
ReplyDeleteMabuhay ang Pinoy bloggers! Mabuhay ang OFW Pinoy bloggers!
I so much treasure your blog!
Congrats din sa yo NJ and keep inspiring us all with your posts.
Wow congrats sa mga awards na natanggap mo( you really deserved thse awards, naks sipsip hehehe, pero totoo yan) at salamat din sa mga awards na binigay mo sa akin (sana lang nga deserving ako hahaha)...dapat paghandaan ko pala ang ganitong mga awards hahaha. Salamat uli at more power to your blog, galing mo! Paki hintay na lang kung kailan ko maipost ito, huhulaan ko pa kung kelan eh hahaha.
ReplyDeletepasale naman po sa mga awards..hehehe
ReplyDeleteNagustuhan ko ang award kasi kulay blue. Maraming Salamat, Desert Aquaforce! o",)
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